Research in Mathematics Education

91茄子's Simmons Research in Mathematics Education is committed to impacting students, empowering its educators through evidence-based practices and systems in order to serve the community.

We are committed to engaging in research and outreach that will make a significant and lasting difference at the student, classroom, school, district, state and national levels.

About RME

RME is seeking school partners for 2025-2026 to provide students with intervention supports that address key learning challenges

Join our evidence-based intervention projects and boost student success in mathematics!

SCALE Project (Grades 5-8)

Teacher working with middle school students using fraction manipulatives.

Focused on foundational fraction concepts and operations. Read more about the SCALE Project.

PAR Project (Grade 6)

A  couple of students, standing in front of a whiteboard, working on mathematical equations.

Designed to strengthen algebra readiness by focusing on whole and rational number concepts and skills. Read more about PAR Project.


Limited spots available ‐ connect with us to learn more!

STEM for All

Integrating Student Voice into Assessment Item Design

In this video, we showcase how one of our team members elicited student feedback during the development of formative assessments that measure numerical relational reasoning and spatial reasoning with the purpose of guiding teachers’ instructional decisions. We conducted think aloud interviews with K-2 students to examine the functioning of various item features and analyzed the information prior to finalizing the items for pilot testing.

Computational Thinking, Game Design, and Assessment

In this video, we feature the early work of our NSF funded project, STEM+C, led by Corey Clark, Ph.D., Leanne Ketterlin Geller, Ph.D., and Eric Larson, Ph.D. This research project focuses on creating a more stable, ethical, and inclusive data science workforce by broadening the interest in data science to a more diverse population of students. It spans the fields of game design, human computer interaction, machine learning, curriculum design, and assessment by integrating essential computer science standards into Minecraft.

Developing STEM Access in K-2 Students through the MMaRS Project

In this video, we feature the early work of our NSF funded Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills (MMaRS) Project. We describe the importance of these early mathematics constructs, illustrate the iterative nature of our research to articulate and empirically validate learning progressions, and share prototypical classroom assessment tasks designed to elicit student thinking and reasoning in the constructs.

RME News

  • A group of three teachers working and collaborating with one another.

    Latest article from RME team in Educational Assessment

    Latest article from the RME team in Educational Assessment shares about the unique role of using unique role cognitive interviews and think-aloud interviews play in developing and validating assessments.

  • Conference Presentations

    Learn more about RME projects disseminated at recent educational research conferences around the country and world.


Response to Intervention Resources

RME's work with TEA includes the state's guidance project delivered via a mobile app and website and has since expanded to include five webinars by leading experts in RTI.

Learn more