Application and Eligibility
Eligibility Requirements
Educational Talent Search is designed for students who are low-income, families who meet the federal TRIO program requirements found here, or who could be first generation college graduates, parents or legal guardians have not graduated from a 4-year institution. Our students must be in 9th - 12th grade at one of our participating schools, U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents, must be interested or enrolled in AP/Pre-AP/Dual Credit courses, and must demonstrate a commitment to our program.
If you are interested in becoming a participant in the Educational Talent Search program, please complete a digital New Student Application or fill out the Referral Form to have a paper application mailed to your home.
- Skyline High School
Ebony Cuington (ecuington@smu.edu)
- South Oak Cliff High School
Leah Granados (lmgranados@smu.edu)
- Carter and Lakeview Centennial High Schools
Cristina Perez (perez@smu.edu)