Travel-Study Opportunities

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Throughout the year, the Simmons School offers a number of travel-study opportunities. The selection follows.

Counseling Program, Play Therapy Course aboard a Disney Cruise

January 2025
HCDN 6392 Advanced Play Therapy with Dr. Brandy Schumann

Applied Physiology & Sport Management, France

June 2024
APSM 3340 Sports Marketing with Dr. Sarah Brown 

Dispute Resolution Program, Bosnia and Croatia

July 7-14, 2019 (Students must be on location July 6)
Protracted Identity-Based Conflict: Ties that Bind and Divide 
Contact: Jessica Lunce   

Counseling Program, Australia

March 28 - April 8, 2019 
HDCN 6315 Advanced Sexuality Counseling/Therapy
Contact: Dr. Edita Ruzgyte

The Center for Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management, Italy

June 29 - July 5, 2018
"Transforming Conflict in Societies Impacted by Trauma" with Dr. Betty Snyder

Graduate Liberal Studies Program, Italy

June 29 - July 5, 2018
"Transforming Conflict in Societies Impacted by Trauma"

Graduate Liberal Studies Program, Taos

June 30 - July 8, 2018
"Environments of the Southwest" with Dr. John Ubelaker

Graduate Liberal Studies Program, Peru

August 2018
Human Rights trips with Dr. Rick Halperin

Take the Writers Path, Taos

July 5-10, 2018
"Summer Camp for Adult Writers" with Suzzane Frank

The 91茄子-in-Plano Counseling Program, Australia

March 29 - April 9, 2018
HDCN 6315 Advanced Sexuality Counseling/Therapy
Contact: Dr. Edita Ruzgyte