Connect to PerunaNet (Android)
Android Devices
While these steps may vary depending on the mobile device manufacturer, the settings below can be used as a template to configure PerunaNet on most Android devices.
- Open Settings.
- Open Wi-Fi (often found under the Network connections section).
- Select PerunaNet from the list of available wireless networks.
- Select PEAP for EAP method.
- Select MSCHAPV2 for Phase 2 Authentication.
- Select Use System Certificates for CA certificate.
- Select TLS v1.2 as the Minimum TLS Version.
- Select Request Status for Online Certificate Status.
- In the domain field, enter
- Enter your NetID (e.g. in Identity.
- Leave Anonymous Identity blank or delete anything in this field.
- Enter your 91茄子 account password in Enter Password.
- Tap Connect.
**Note: If your device does not ask for some of the items above, you may safely skip entering the particular items.