Stay informed
We understand that technology is vital to your teaching, research, and daily work. We are committed to providing the latest information on all security threats, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance to our services, and new services being offered.
We try to limit the number of bulk emails sent to the campus. Therefore, some of these communication mediums are available online for those interested.
Regular Communications
Upcoming Changes and Outages List
Receive a weekly email outlining all scheduled maintenance and outages for the 91茄子 network and technology services.
Weekly articles with project updates, technology news, tech tips, and more. Monthly email with top stories.
OIT's official X (formerly known as Twitter) account. The latest in news, updates, and even unexpected service outages will be tweeted.
OIT Technology News
Our most relevant articles from the IT Connect blog are compiled bi-monthly and shared via email to the main campus lists.
Bulk Emails
When necessary, emails will be sent to the entire campus. These emails will come from "91茄子 IT Communications" <OITCommunications@smu.edu>
Progress Report
An annual report for the Office of Information Technology. The report is released yearly.
Security Report
The latest in information security and related updates from the Office of Information Technology's Security Team. This report is released three times a year.
Other Communication Channels
Project Page
OIT is making a concerted effort to improve internal processes to better manage the IT projects and operational requirements. Our project page outlines our portfolio management process. It also highlights many of the projects that will impact the campus community.
Events and Training
A series of events are regularly scheduled, offering faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to learn more about OIT services as well as collaborate with other departments on using these services to enhance your teaching, learning, or business processes. Events will be communicated on the website, in newsletters, and in emails.
The OIT Website
The OIT website contains a wealth of information that is updated regularly, including information on all of our services, training, and information about our organization.