Meadows on the Mic: Jessica Silverstein – Fashion Media Student
Jessica Silverstein is a junior Fashion Media major and student worker for the 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows Marketing team.

On this episode we interviewed Jessica Silverstein, a junior Fashion Media major, which is under the Division of Journalism, who is also pursuing minors in advertising, business, and Italian. Jess is also working with the Meadows marketing department as a student-worker, assisting with social media. We talked about how she got into fashion, deciding to come to 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows and how the city of Dallas is influencing both her education and her fashion! Learn more about the Fashion Media Program at Meadows.
Podcast Transcript
Andy: Welcome to Meadows on the Mic, the official podcast of the 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows School of the Arts. I'm your host, Andy Draper, part of the Meadows marketing team and podcaster extraordinaire. On this show, I'll be bringing you in-depth interviews with Meadows faculty, students, and staff, covering everything from events, special guests, and anything else you need to know happening at 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows.
On this episode, I interviewed Jessica Silverstein, a junior fashion media major, which is under the division of journalism, who is also pursuing minors in advertising, business, and Italian. Jess is also working with the Meadows marketing department as a student worker assisting us with social media. We talked with her about how she got into fashion, deciding to come to 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows and how the city of Dallas is influencing both her education and her fashion. Let's get to know Jess Silverstein.
Andy: Welcome to Meadows on the Mic. I am your host, Andy Draper, and I'm here with Jess Silverstein. Welcome to the show, Jess.
Jess: Thank you for having me.
Andy: Jess is an undergraduate fashion media major who's also minoring or pursuing minors in advertising business and Italian and she's also working with Meadows marketing as a student worker working with Kristin Espinoza in social media So she's doing a lot for us and I wanted to interview her about her time here How what attracted her to Meadows and all that good stuff?
Jess: Absolutely! Thank you so much for having me on the show.
Andy: No problem. So what I wanted to ask first is, how's your semester going? We're near the end. We're into December. Exams are right around the corner. How's the semester been?
Jess: It's truly been one of my favorite semesters at 91ÇÑ×Ó. I think it's really awesome how being in an upperclassman can really change your experience because everyone I've met and every professor I've met through my first two years really just coming back around this year. It's been super awesome. I've been insanely busy, but always good, always a good thing. And I laugh, I can laugh at myself because I definitely make myself busier than I need to be. But I'm in a full course load working on, currently working on all of my minors and my major this semester. So definitely getting a mixed bag of classes which can be super fun with jumping around, going from an advertising class into finance than to my fashion media classes. So that's been cool. Through that I've been able to discover a love for news reporting. I was definitely nervous about this class, but Professor Barna has been truly outstanding. I have loved the class. I've learned a lot about writing, reporting and it is awesome how it's really been seeping into my interview processes for jobs and such. So that's super cool. I had a successful recruiting season and then I ended up, I also spent my semester interning at Stanley Korshak, which is super cool. I was on the men's buying team and I'm finishing that up in the next few weeks. So that was really a once in a lifetime experience and I got to experience so much of Dallas through that and learning a lot about Dallas history and working at such a place that's so important in the community and in the fashion community as a whole, which paired really well with my internship or student working at Menos, which is always a fan favorite. A lot of my friends now with some of our TikToks going more viral will be like, wait, I didn't realize you did this. So it's been a really cool thing to do this semester and I work under Kristin, who is awesome and I work with Jamie, who's another journalism student and she's a senior and we've become really close friends through it. So I just love seeing the community come together and meeting somebody who's in journalism who I maybe wouldn't have met otherwise. Another thing I've been doing this semester, which I'm so excited about, is I started working for this woman named Lucy who started Desperado, a custom bespoke leather jacket company based in Colorado, hand-designed there and then handmade in León, Mexico. So that has been an outstanding experience. I hosted my first pop-up with my sorority for dad's weekend with them and then I just hosted a pop-up today with 91ÇÑ×Ó Look and it was super successful and I really have just been feeling the way that the Lord has blessed me with this project and it's been outstanding. I also got to reconnect and rejoin waterski in recovering from a knee injury. So that's also been super fun and always the same old, same old with I'm on 91ÇÑ×Ó style and I'm in AKSci, professional business fraternity and then my sorority, I was serving as social chair, marketing chair, sisterhood day chair and on the matching committee.
So, I am now, I am retiring in a week and I will just be a member. So it's gonna be, I'm excited for what next semester has to hold and I think the semester has been insanely successful and really truly like above all that, like spending time in community and having so much time to grow in my relationship but Jesus has been really cool. So that has been the reason I've been able to make this all work. So that's my semester so far.
Andy: Wow, that's incredible. It sounds incredibly busy, but that you've also had some really interesting opportunities. I wanted to go back and get some background info. So where are you from? Where'd you grow up? And what attracted you to Meadows?
Jess: I am from Glencoe, Illinois, which is a suburb north of Chicago on Lake Michigan. I loved growing up there, and I think Chicago is a really cool place, and the suburbs were awesome. And I spent my entire childhood dancing for 20 years. So that was super cool, and I definitely miss it all the time. And I really just, when I was looking for schools, I was interested in going somewhere with warm weather. Of course, that was a very prominent thing. And initially I really thought what was gonna drive me to a school was big football. And I was definitely into, I applied to a few SEC schools and was curious about going south. And I ended up falling in love with UT. And one way or another, I ended up applying to 91ÇÑ×Ó, and I think God really just had a plan for me and all that. And I don't even know why I applied, but it just happened. And I ended up visiting in April, mid-April. So quite literally when decisions are due. And I was deciding between here and Wisconsin, which would have been staying close to home. And I looked up that hill when I was there and imagined snow blowing in my face. And I was like, there's no way. And when I came to visit here, I just really felt welcomed on the campus, even though I wasn't a student yet. And I met so many people and met so many girls who were looking at 91ÇÑ×Ó too. And who really just were like, I could see these people being my friends. I ended up meeting this girl, Taylor, at Roller Rabbit after my tour day. And she invited me to stay with her out of nowhere. And I'm like, what even is this place? And clearly like God had a plan. So I ended up coming back, visiting or committing to 91ÇÑ×Ó. And when I was picking my major, when I initially applied, I actually applied like one of the days before EA was due. And I was just like throwing stuff into the application, like whatever. And I noticed they had a fashion media program. And I also noticed TCU had a fashion sub-story program. And I immediately was drawn to 91ÇÑ×Ó's program because it had all the different attributes of what I would be looking for in a fashion program. At a lot of other schools, I applied to, I was looking within the business school at a fashion program. And the way that our program is set up through journalism is just so unique. And Meadows has so many resources and is just such an amazing art school. And I really wanted to be on this side of fashion that I'm on now through the program. So I am really grateful that I ended up having that last minute instinct to apply. And I truly am so glad that I ended up here and would not want to be anywhere else in any other major. So I'm so blessed and grateful.
Andy: What attracted you to fashion media specifically?
Jess: I've always been obsessed with styling and clothing and just not obsessed with like having clothing, but just obsessed with like the idea of like fashion. It's been something since I was very young that I focus on when I was in dance, I would make my own costumes and I wanted to, you know, be involved in the design process. And I always was the girl in school when I was five years old, wearing a sequined dress and a fur coat because I just loved being a step above and being extra. And I think fashion is expression and it's a form of art that is really unique. And I, in the way I dress, I feel like I can really radiate a different mood and express myself. And I think I fell through a lot of years where fashion was a passion to me, but I almost like let other things going on in my life silence it. And I wasn't like, you know, really stepping out of my comfort zone in that or even being in my comfort zone, I was almost stepping out of my comfort zone by not dressing and not focusing on it. And when I came to college and it just worked out for me to be a fashion media major because 91ÇÑ×Ó offered it and it was in meadows, I really reconnected with my love for it. And it was always a goal of mine, but then I kind of was like, you know, I'm gonna take the easy path and do something else. But I think people don't understand like sometimes the way the industry works is it can be really cut throat and really complicated and it's not formulaic. And it's really, you know, you have to have a lot of faith and trust going into it and you have to really network and make things happen. And I've just been so blessed to be in the position I'm in with a plethora of students and jobs and activities and internships and it's been really awesome. And I think that comes a lot from prayer and comes a lot from like getting myself out there and like connecting. And I think fashion is just, I really love how that works. And when I go to these events, I am so just like enticed by like the way that these creators have gotten to where they are and I'm excited about it. And I haven't really had a passion like this before in my life and a passion that I really want to bring into other things. And I think I'm able to translate the passion into my minors and into the activities I'm part of on campus and into my sorority's philanthropy fashion show or designing merchandise for my business fraternity or water ski or helping out with that. You know, I really feel like those are things I get excited for. And I don't think that that would be possible without my passion in fashion. I really think it's an industry that's lacking a lot of believers too. And that's a place I really want to fill the hole. So it's been super cool being a major.
Andy: So, you're in your third year here at 91ÇÑ×Ó. That's a lot of time here now! Can you tell me a little bit about what your experience has been so far, some courses that really stick out that you've enjoyed or professors that you've really liked?
Jess: Absolutely. Wow, I feel old. I really, the fashion media program has, I've had so many classes that I love. This semester news reporting was amazing with Professor Barda, as I mentioned before, I did take the fashion diversity topics course with Andrea Artiberi. And I had her previously for one of the other fashion media requirements. And she is truly that class was one of the most interesting classes I've ever taken, we got to have these small group discussions and make these projects. And I just learned so much and so much I talk about in the workplace now, that I wouldn't have been able to learn without her guidance and direction and amazing projects that she had us do. So that was really cool. I feel like I've also taken intro to creativity with Willie Barnett this semester was truly one of my favorite classes, I actually think it was challenging, because it really challenged creativity and what it is. And I think definitely, I recommend this course to anyone who's like interested in advertising, or who needs to do their creativity requirement. It is so awesome. And I ended up, you know, getting to learn a lot about him and his project that we are all homeless. And that was just a lot of things I feel like going into the major, you don't expect to learn or going into even that minor, I didn't expect all that. And like, it was really cool to come out of the class with all that new knowledge. And I've definitely taken a lot of classes that stand out to me. I love building digital audiences with Professor Betzel. His O'Neil program is amazing. And I've definitely been considering that. But just, you know, with a triple minor, it's hard to fit everything into the schedule. So he is super cool. He's definitely a cool professor to look into if you want to take a class with him. And his program is awesome. And everyone who is interested in business journalism should make that work.
Andy: Another thing I wanted to get into is that where you study is almost as important as far as the city is always a big part of your education. It's not just the university. So how's the city of Dallas influenced your education?
Jess: I love this question. I wish you could ask my family and friends at home this, cause they would probably have an even better answer than I would. But I feel like I've fallen in love with Western wear. And I think that's something that I didn't realize. Like I look even like I can tell you right now I'm wearing cowboy boots on a Friday afternoon. And I don't think that that would ever be a style that Jess three and a half years ago would have pulled out of her closet. So I, and now I'm working with a Western wear brand where our only items are a leather jacket with fringe on it. So I am really, I've really fallen in love with it. I think it's such a, I've got to do a lot of work with Kate Swail. Got to get into interview her for class. She is partnering with a brand called Ecola that pairs, pays fair wages to women in Uganda and Kate does turquoise jewelry. So her collaboration with them is actually resulting in a class that Jenny Davis is teaching with her next semester. I'm taking the fashion promotion class. So that'll be really cool. And I just am obsessed with her work. And that's another thing that I'm like, wow, like turquoise jewelry is not something I would have like known about. And I have a branded hat. Like I didn't ever think a cowboy hat would be something I don't know. So I think definitely influenced my fashion. But I think the city in general has really opened my eyes to like a lot of different, I feel like I've learned about so many social things just being here. I learned about different fashion outlets, learned about different opportunities, getting to work with different charities. I got to work the Oscar de la Renta fashion show for the Crystal Charity Ball, which that is not something that happens where I'm from at all. So getting to just be part of these events has been really cool. And I think Chicago is a super cool city, but I would not say it's a fashion hub, but Dallas is really up and coming in that sense. I think that with Highland Park Village, with all these different things, with Stanley Korchak being from Chicago and now moving here, like learning about that and Stanley Korchak being the only single free standing department store in America, getting to work there has really just opened my eyes so much to Dallas and different big names here and just getting to really experience it, meet those people. And I feel like part of the city rather than like a dweller of the city, if that makes sense. So I really, I love it here.
Andy: Right, absolutely. I want to say it's because it's warm here here and you can actually like that's not just be coats all the time.
Jess: Yeah, the warmth was a big thing for me. I was really looking for warm weather and I have I've loved the warm weather. I'm so happy.
Andy: My next question is, what advice would you have for students looking at 91ÇÑ×Ó, looking to come here, what advice would you have for them for incoming new students?
Jess: Um, to 91ÇÑ×Ó, like literally this place, I grew up in the Midwest thinking that the Big 10 was the only option. And yes, I give my football love to those schools, but I was going to say this earlier when you asked me about, um, when I was looking at schools, I think that a God has planned for everyone, but be this place really has exceeded my expectations since the moment I walked on campus and I had expectations. Like I didn't come in with anything. And I think I have just met the most amazing people here, the most down-to-earth friends, I am like blessed with the most phenomenal communities. My organizations that I'm a part of could not be better. 91ÇÑ×Ó makes it possible for you to be in everything, to have your foot in every door. I feel like I interact with so many different people on a day to day. I'm meeting a new person still every day. And I am a almost second semester junior. And I truly think that there is no other place in America on this earth that can give you the same experience. And I think with the way the football team is coming and becoming, if you're considering an SEC school, if you're considering Big 10, I think look again at 91ÇÑ×Ó. And really the biggest thing that everyone says that you wouldn't know unless you go here is like really the alumni network is just outstanding. And there's somebody who went to 91ÇÑ×Ó who's doing everything and who wants to help you there. They're so excited to help you. I mean, I can tell you as a junior who's now connecting with a lot of alumni who were seniors when I was freshmen, they want to sit on the phone with me for four hours and ask about my life goals. And I don't think there are people anywhere else who would do that. I really think this place has something unique about it that people feel really connected and with the way football is and bringing this community together to celebrate our amazing team, which ACC championship tomorrow, I'm quite literally counting the hours I'm a big with all my little hobbies. My one little secret favorite thing is I'm obsessed with college football. So I'm so excited about our team. I'm so excited about the community and just watching the way that they have supported each other through this move into the ACC and how our community and campus has really shown up. That's just like one definition. I could tell you 80 billion stories, but my sorority also has just shown up for me in so many different ways. And I truly would not be able to find this anywhere else, but 91ÇÑ×Ó. I feel like I have a family. I feel like my roommates, I go home too. And they are like my biggest cheerleaders, my best supporters. And I literally could not imagine myself anywhere else. And I think if you are looking at 91ÇÑ×Ó, you should really heavily consider going here and just, I feel like there's so many students with the same story. It's not just me. So I would recommend it to anyone.
Andy: My last question is, uh, you have about a year and a half left, uh, till graduation. Uh, what are your plans, uh, afterwards? Are you looking to pursue a graduate degree or try and go into the workforce? Uh, what's the plan?
Jess: As of now, I'm going into the workforce. Um, I'm going to be ideally, um, as long as all goes according to plan, obviously that's subject to change, but ideally I'm going to go into either e-commerce or buying in fashion. So, um, super excited about that and for what's to come. And I think later on in life, I definitely want to start there, but later on, I would totally be interested in starting my own brand, but I think right now I'm excited to do that. And that's what God has for me. But, um, after that, who knows? And I definitely like generic answer, but I'm really excited to, you know, like start a family and have a life. And I think that whatever career is going to work with that would be great for me.
Andy: Well, that's incredibly exciting. And we can't wait to see what happens in the next year and a half to two years. Once we, you reach graduation. Thank you so much for coming onto the show.
Jess: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me.
Andy: Thank you for tuning into Meadows on the Mic, and a big thank you to Jess Silverstein for coming onto the show. You can see her work on the Meadows social media accounts where she's doing great work. If you're interested in learning more about the Meadows Fashion Media Program, check us out online at under the Division of Journalism. We offer B.A.s in Journalism, Sports Journalism, Fashion Media, and a minor in Journalism. This podcast is brought to you by the 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows Marketing Department and is available on all major podcast platforms. For questions and comments, email us at and follow us on socials at 91ÇÑ×Ó Meadows on all major social media channels.