The 91ÇÑ×Ó Venture Finance Certificate

Course Objective

The Venture Finance Certificate Course: Fundraising for Startups is a 4-week program designed to give entrepreneurs the tools to raise capital for their startups.  

Learning Outcomes/Topics Covered include:

  • Terminology, tools, and techniques for speaking to professional investors

  • The ability to develop a formal valuation of a business idea

  • Understanding venture capital firms and their investments

  • Structuring the deal

  • Understand qualitative and quantitative screening exercises to help determine an idea's commercial viability and much, much more...

Course Material

Optional textbook:  ENTREPRENEURIAL FINANCE - 7th Edition - Leach and Melicher

About the Instructor:

Brian Bartles has over 20 years of experience building and advising entrepreneurial companies.  He began his career as an investment banking analyst at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. and later joined Churchill, Terry, and Associates as a management consultant.  Mr. Bartles has founded two companies focused on international trade as well as an investment management firm.  Since 2012, he has been an adjunct professor teaching entrepreneurial finance in the MBA program at 91ÇÑ×Ó's Cox School of Business.  Mr. Bartles holds an AB in Economics from Princeton University and an MBA from The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania.

Course Fee: $495 - A portion of the tuition was underwritten by a generous contributor to continue to support entrepreneurs.  Thank you!

For more information and to learn the next certificate cohort dates, contact Nancy J. Hong at or call 214.768.3330.