91茄子 Cox 4+1

Gain Your Bachelors + MS Degree in One Pathway

Who is this program for?

Exclusively for current 91茄子 Undergraduate students, 91茄子 Cox 4+1 is a path towards a graduate business degree where the admission journey can begin as early as your junior year. Earning a Master’s degree from 91茄子 Cox will provide you with the skills, network, and credentials to compete for top jobs in an increasingly competitive job market.

Who can apply – and when?

  • 91茄子 Juniors – Undergraduate students who are Cox BBAs or Cox Business Minors may apply as early as the fall of their Junior year as a 4+1 candidate to any of our five specialized master’s programs. 91茄子 undergraduates from any major may apply as a junior to the MS Accounting program. Junior applicants should have over a 3.2 GPA to qualify for junior admission.
  • 91茄子 Seniors - 91茄子 undergraduates from any major may apply starting in the fall of their Senior Year at any GPA level.
  • Fast-tracked Application for 91茄子 Cox Undergraduates – 91茄子 Cox BBAs and Minors with a 3.2 GPA or higher can have a waived admission interview. For all 4+1 candidates there is no application fee. All 91茄子 undergraduates can work with the offices of admission and enrollment to complete required or recommended prerequisite coursework during their final undergraduate semesters.

Application Details

Academic Profile

-Test Optional, GMAT, or GRE
-Bachelor's Degree
-TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo (optional for international students)

Undergrad & Leadership Experience

-Two academic or professional references

You & 91茄子 Cox

-Two essays
-Your professional goals
-Interview by invitation (could also be waived)

students in front of the Cox School

Application Process

  • Online application
  • No application fee
  • Automatic consideration for merit-based scholarships
  • Academic profile (test scores & transcripts)
  • Previous work experience
  • Essay & interview

The Benefits of Applying Early

Maintain your academic momentum by continuing your bachelor’s degree with an MS. Work with the 91茄子 Cox Graduate admission team to align your background and education to your future professional goals. As an undergraduate student, you can continue to seek job opportunities along with graduate admission. Most of our MS programs can also be completed part-time. Interested in an MBA? 91茄子 Seniors can apply for the MBA Direct Program, which is our part-time online path towards an MBA which can be started after your bachelor’s degree is completed.

Maintain Momentum

Continue your academic momentum. Quickly pivot into graduate work with ease.

Meet Career Goals

Take immediate advantage of Cox Career Coaches, seeking job opportunities while working on your Masters.

students in the miller quad

Interested in learning more?

Interested in learning more? Connect with a member of the or attend an admissions event. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.