Graduate Council Application FAQs
What is the Graduate Council Fund?
Graduate Council funds are accrued from student fees and are designed to support student growth and development activities. The funds are administered by a group of graduate students from programs across divisions in the university.
How Can the Funds be Utilized?
Funds can be used for student travel, conference fees, events and networking activities, to support materials for research projects, and other activities that extend a graduate student's experience in Simmons programs. Funds are not for course-required materials.
Can I Apply for More Than One Event in a Cycle?
Multiple events may be requested in one application, if the events fall in the same funding cycle. Fall Application Cycle: September-January; Spring Application Cycle: January-May; Summer Application Cycle: May-September. Priority will be given to events within the current funding cycle, though requests for events from the previous semester may be considered.
What is Restricted?
Alcohol, food even with travel, capital expense items (items that cost more than $5000 or last longer than 5 years like computers), stipends or pay to individuals - including research assistants are examples of items that would not be approved. There are limits on foreign travel and some other travel expenses. For example, travel involved with a credit bearing class would not be approved, but travel for conferences, collecting research data, and other enrichment could be approved. Sales taxes are generally not reimbursable, except for taxes on airfare and hotels outside of Texas. Applicants are encouraged to use 91茄子's tax-exemption forms, when possible, particularly for hotel stays in Texas to ensure applicants avoid non-reimbursable sales tax.
View Graduate Council Policies and Procedures
What Makes a Strong Application?
Funds are awarded based on a thorough review of the application and subsequent voting by Council Representatives. Strong applications include detailed explanations of the travel, conference, event or materials and demonstrate a clear connection to the enhancement of the students’ academic growth and development. Detailed support of the dollar amount requested must also be included (i.e. receipts, invoices, travel itineraries, etc.).
What has been funded in the past?
- Attending local, national, and international conferences
- Books used for research (not for credit-bearing course)
When Can I Apply?
See Graduate Council Homepage for Application deadlines. Applications will be distributed to the council for approval. Funds are released in a timely manner.
How Do I Apply?
- Determine the cost of the event(s)/requested material(s): preview costs and aggregate into a table (excel, word, etc.). If the event has already occurred, please determine if the requested event/materials can be reimbursed by the council.
- Fill out application during the application cycle. Only applications received during the application cycle will be considered. DO NOT email you application directly to the council as it will not be considered.
- Within the application, upload your budget for the requested event/materials. DO NOT email your budget directly to the council as it will not be considered. Any application that fails to provide a budget will NOT be considered.
- Budgets should be itemized and based on actual cost estimates (e.g., screen shots of airline fares, hotel prices, technology prices).
- If you have any questions, please contact your graduate council representative.