Simmons Resources
Work Orders
Submit a work order for hot/cold request, custodial issues or event request by visiting the submission page or call Facilities Help Desk at 214-768-7000.
Safety Information and Campus Police
Non-emergency: 214-768-3388
Emergency: 214-768-3333
Faculty and staff can access information regarding building safety policies and procedures .
Building Hours
- Monday through Friday 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
- Friday through Saturday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Sunday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Normal business hours are 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Card key access required during all other times
Requesting Space

Certain spaces in both Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall and Harold Clark Simmons Hall are available to reserve for meetings and events.
To request meeting/event space in Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall (ACSH) or Harold Clark Simmons Hall (HCSH), please provide the following information to Rose Chavez at rachavez@smu.edu.
- Time and date of event (& include sufficient pre-event and post-event time for your set-up and tear down)
- Number of expected attendees
- AV requirements (computer, projection screen, DVD player, etc.)?
- Catering?
- A credit card number (external groups) or ORG number (91茄子 groups)
- External groups must have an 91茄子 Sponsor to host an event in the Simmons School
Room Reservation Contracts
There are three different contracts for different groups. They can be downloaded below.
- 91茄子 Group
- External Group with 91茄子 Sponsor
- Student Group (*please note that students are only able to reserve classrooms in HCSH)
Classroom Scheduling
Departments are expected to observe 91茄子’s standard class-schedule blocks (see attached) in scheduling classes. MWF classes start on the hour with the 1st class of the day beginning at 8 a.m. T/TH classes start every hour and a half with the 1st class of the day beginning at 8 a.m. Unless you plan to use all of multiple block times to deliver your class/event, please do not schedule at irregular times such that you render use of a preceding or following class block impossible; for example, don’t schedule a MWF class from 8:30 – 9:30. Since it is sometimes difficult to schedule classes in Annette Hall and Harold Hall during 91茄子’s peak classroom hours (10 a.m. - 2 p.m.), the departments are encouraged to distribute their classes evenly throughout the day.
If you need to reserve a room for an event and neither Annette nor Harold can accommodate your event, other venues are available on campus, including Hughes-Trigg, which offers event rooms at no-cost to most 91茄子 programs (refer to schedule.smu.edu). Please consult Rose Chavez for recommendations. If you plan to offer an event that requires staging before the event and tear-down after, be sure to reserve sufficient time for all 3 activities. The room/space will only be available to you during the period of time you reserve it.
Reserving rooms can unfortunately be competitive. Given this, rooms are assigned in observation of the following priorities.
- 1st rights: Credit classes: Simmons School. Note: If Annette 218 is requested for any credit-bearing course on campus (Simmons or otherwise), evidence of a plan to use the room’s unique technology in course delivery will elevate the request above those that do not utilize the technology. See below.
- 2nd: Credit classes: other 91茄子 schools
- 3rd: Non-credit classes: Simmons School
- 4th: Events: Simmons
- 5th: Events: 91茄子 Administration (Provost and above)
- 6th: Events: 91茄子
- 7th: Non-credit classes: 91茄子 non-Simmons, including CAPE & Cox
- 8th: External Events with Simmons partners
- 9th: External Events with non-partners
Once classes are scheduled in Simmons buildings, they are only moved in order to accommodate Simmons-wide events and those of the Provost and President—not otherwise. Classes that have been moved under these circumstances will receive priority reassignment, although they may have to be assigned to other campus buildings.
Simmons Website
If you need website-design or SiteCore assistance, please send your request by email to George Hickey at gihickey@smu.edu. Explain your objective, identify all of the pages that will be affected, and provide the new content (text & photos) if possible.
- for creating, maintaining, and publishing content to the school website
Slate Resources
- Slate CRM
- A list of all known (also known as vanity or short URLs) that are currently in use. Other advertising options should be sent to Becky Hood.
- An , containing graphics, photos, and images, is free to download and use.
Departmental Email Addresses
Simmons Photo Gallery
An , containing photos from Simmons seminars, classrooms, and events, is free to download and use.
Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall (ACSH) and Harold Clark Simmons Hall (HCSH)
- ACSH floor plans and other building-related materials
- HCSH floor plans and other building-related materials
Digital Signage in ACSH and HCSH Halls
The flat-screen panels found in the hallways on all floors in the two Simmons buildings are reserved for Simmons programs and 91茄子 organizations. If interested in adding advertising, events, or announcements to the rotation, please .
Simmons Wiki site
Tailored for faculty and staff, this integrates policies and procedures, a branding guide, and the faculty handbook.