Travel grants may be used for research related travel expenses that follow the additional guidelines below. Research related travel expenses that do not fall into these guidelines can still receive funding from the research grant.
Faculty Travel Grants
Dates & Deadlines
Fall Applications
Deadline for application and letter of support - October, 11 at 5pm
Grant award announcements - First week of December
Spring Applications
Deadline for application and letter of support - March, 6 at 5pm
Grant award announcements - First week of May
The following information relates specifically to travel grants
The amount of the award will be based on:
- Significance of the travel
- Transportation and associated costs
- Evidence of partial support from other sources is highly desirable
Travel grants only fund travel to international conferences
- Must be giving a talk or chairing a session
- Other travel to workshops or talks will not be funded
- The impact of the conference/meeting
- The nature of the presentation (Keynote address: high priority. Poster presentation: low priority)
Related Links
Additional Information
Travel Grant Information
Forms to Submit
Grant Application - CLOSED