91茄子 Alumni/Alumnae Activities
Policy number: 5.7
Policy section: Development and External Affairs
Revised Date: December 14, 2020
1. Definitions
Definitions of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.
2. Policy Statement
- At the direction of the President, the Vice President for Development and External Affairs (“the Vice President”) and the Division of Development and External Affairs (“DEA”) will have authority for establishing programs promoting engagement between 91茄子 and its Alumni/Alumnae. These initiatives may include events, volunteer opportunities, chapter projects, etc. In this regard, the Vice President/designee coordinates these efforts with staff across campus, as they relate to the alumni of a particular School or Unit.
- In developing Alumni/Alumnae programming, the Vice President shall rely on the advice and counsel of the 91茄子 Alumni Board. Any School or Unit Alumni/Alumnae committee, organization, club, etc., pre-dating this policy may continue going forward. Any proposed new School or Unit Alumni/Alumnae board, committee, chapter, club, organization, etc., conceived to be ongoing and regenerating, must receive approval from the Vice President in advance of its establishment.
- As part of this effort, the Vice President will oversee nomination, selection and recognition of 91茄子 Distinguished Alumni and 91茄子 Emerging Leader awards, as well as other university-wide Alumni/Alumnae recognitions as may be appropriate from time to time. Schools and Units of the University which have Alumni/Alumnae award programs in existence prior to the establishment of this policy may continue those programs. Any new Alumni/Alumnae award or recognition programs may only be established upon approval of the Vice President and President. All Schools and Units must inform DEA of alumni/alumnae under consideration for Alumni/Alumnae awards prior to selection so that background checks may be conducted.
- The University does not require gifts from Alumni/Alumnae to receive general benefits and access to Alumni/Alumnae programs and benefits, and no School or Unit may impose giving requirements to allow Alumni/Alumnae to access School or Unit Alumni/Alumnae programming. Fees for entry to Alumni/Alumnae events, collected to offset event expenses, are allowed.
- In rare occasions it is possible that an Alumnus’/Alumna’s reputation, personal conduct, or profession may cause the University to distance itself from that person. It is within the authority of the Vice President to remove an Alumnus/Alumna from some or all interaction with the University generally, or some or all Schools and Units.
- The Vice President may include Parents of current or previous students in some or all Alumni/Alumnae programming where it is deemed helpful in developing positive relationships with 91茄子 Parents. In those instances, this policy will apply to Parents.
3. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to encourage broad engagement with all 91茄子 Alumni/Alumnae, in order to enrich their lives as well as to elevate the reputation of the University by celebrating Alumni/Alumnae achievement.
4. Applicability
All faculty, students, staff, volunteers, and contractors are expected to comply with this policy.
5. Questions
Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the Office of the Vice President.
6. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines
Development and External Affairs will create and maintain guidelines and procedures related to this policy.
Appendix A: Definitions
“Alumnus/Alumna” refers to individuals holding one or more credit hours from 91茄子.
“Parent” refers to guardian family members of current and former 91茄子 students.
“School” refers to 91茄子’s seven schools and one college, and departments and programs within.
“Unit” refers to established entities other than Schools, such as the Office of the Provost, Central University Libraries, Department of Athletics, Division of Students Affairs, etc., and departments and programs within.
Revised: December 14, 2020
Adopted: January 2, 2019