Holiday Pay
Policy number: 4.14
Policy section: Business & Finance
Revised Date: January 2, 2019
1. Policy Statement
This policy defines holiday pay for University employees.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide for compliance with applicable laws and regulations, clarify institutional expectations, promote operational efficiencies, reduce institutional risk, and enhance the University’s mission.
3. Applicability
This policy applies to all University employees.
4. Official University Holidays
- Official 91茄子-observed holidays will be designated each fiscal year by the President of the University.
- To request alternative accommodations for required activities when observing a religious holiday, refer to University Policy 7.22, University Holidays.
5. Holiday Pay Eligibility
- Benefits-eligible staff employees in the following categories will receive pay for University holidays:
- Regular full-time
- Regular part-time
- Regular full-time partial year, during their working months
- Regular part-time partial year, during their working months
- Temporary employees (temporary staff and student employees) are not eligible to receive holiday pay.
- Refer to University Policy 7.7, Employee Classifications, for more information.
6. Non-Exempt Employees
- Non-exempt employees who work on a scheduled University holiday will receive two times their normal rate of pay for the hours worked on the holiday. The number of hours paid for each University holiday for a regular employee (including part-time) is based on the employee’s standard weekly hours divided by 5. The employee will be paid that number of hours for each University holiday.
- Paid holiday hours are included in the calculation of overtime. See University Policy 4.13, Overtime Pay.
7. Exempt Employees
Exempt employees working on a holiday will receive no additional compensation.
8. Holidays within Vacation Periods
Official University holidays falling within an employee’s scheduled vacation period will not be charged to the employee’s accrued vacation leave balance.
9. Questions
Questions about this policy may be directed to the Vice President for Business and Finance.Revised: January 2, 2019
Adopted: June 1, 1994
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