CALI is a collection of more than 900 interactive, computer-based lessons covering 33 areas of law including:
- Administrative Law
- Arbitration
- Business Associations
- Civil Procedure
- Commercial Transactions
- Constitutional Law
- Contracts
- Copyright
- Corporations
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure Employment Discrimination
- Environmental Law
- Evidence
- Family Law
- Federal Courts
- Intellectual Property
- International Law
- Labor Law
- Legal Concepts & Skills
- Legal Research
- Legal Writing Professional Responsibility
- Property Law
- Real Estate
- Remedies
- Sales
- Securities
- Tax Law
- Torts
- Trademark
- Trial Advocacy
- Wills and Trusts.
A typical CALI lesson consists of a short fact pattern followed by questions. You select from multiple choice answers and, if your answer is not the best choice, CALI will explain why. At the end of the lesson, CALI usually provides your score which you can print.
Students can work through the lessons using the library’s computers, or students can use their own computer if equipped with web browser software and Internet access.
Instructions for Completing CALI Lessons
- Go to CALI’s website at .
- Click on the ‘Lessons’ link located in the banner at the top of the CALI home page, then select ‘Lessons by subject’ from the pull down menu that appears in the banner.
- Select the lesson subject area by clicking on the subject area name.
- The next page describes the specific CALI lessons available in the subject area you selected. Each lesson description lists the software versions in which the lesson is available, e.g., Web/HTML, Win/download, Mac, and Flash/ScoreSave. Unless you are using a Mac, students usually should select the Web/HTMML or Flash/ScoreSave formats. Select a specific lesson by clicking on the lesson format (located on left side of page) for the lesson you want to complete.
- The next page requires you to login by entering your email address and password. If you have not previously registered to use the CALI web site, you must do so by clicking on the ‘register’ link. As part of the registration process, you must enter 91茄子’s CALI authorization code : SOUMETstu194 . Note that the authorization code is case-sensitive.
- After registering/logging in, follow the instructions provided on the CALI web site.