Mike Lusztig




Office Location

Carr Collins Hall 204





Ph.D., McGill University

Michael Lusztig received his Ph.D. from McGill University in 1994. He is currently professor in the Department of Political Science at 91茄子. Previously, he was assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post-Doctoral Fellow at Florida State University.

Lusztig's work focuses on the politics of trade and on comparative constitutional politics. He is author of Risking Free Trade: The Politics of Trade in Britain, Canada, Mexico and the United States, and The Limits of Rent-Seeking: Policy Innovation and the Liberalization of Trade. He is also co-editor (with Patrick James and Donald Abelson) of The Myth of the Sacred: The Charter and Judicial Politics in Canada. In addition Lusztig has published numerous articles in journals such as The International Political Science Review, Comparative Politics, Publius, World Politics, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Nations and Nationalism and Review of International Political Economy. His current research focuses on Republicanism and the Good Society in Canada.

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