Materials Characterization Lab
- JEOL JSM-IT500HR Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
- Leo 1450 Scanning Electron Microscope
- Rigaku SmartLab SE X-Ray Diffractometer
- Thermo Scientific ARL Perform’x X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
- Thermo Scientific handheld portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
JEOL JSM-IT500HR Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
The JEOL JSM-IT500HR scanning electron microscope has a high-brightness electron gun system, providing high-resolution imaging with high sensitivity and spatial resolution. The variable pressure system allows for the analysis of weak conducting/easily eroded samples under low-vacuum settings. The instrument is fitted with a Thermo Fisher UltraDry EDS detector and a Thermo Fisher MagnaRay WDS detector. This allows for secondary/backscatter imaging and EDS/WDS elemental analysis/mapping. The variable pressure settings allow for the analysis of a variety of samples from conductive metals to biological samples with no pre-treatment with a resolution of up to 4nm.
Leo 1450 Scanning Electron Microscope
The lab contains a Leo 1450 variable pressure electron microscope acquired in 2003 with a NSF grant that supports several departments here at 91茄子. The instrument has both low and high vacuum secondary electron detectors as well as a solid state backscatter electron detector. It is also equipped with an Edax energy dispersive X-ray analysis system for determining elemental composition of sample materials. A Gatan Chroma CL cathodoluminescent system was added recently to image samples emitting multiple wavelengths of light under electron beam bombardment. The laboratory is also equipped with sample preparation facilities that include a Denton Vacuum DCP-1 Critical Point Dryer and a Desk II Plasma Coater with Au/Pd target.
Sample preparation
The lab is equipped with a high vacuum Leica EM ACE600 Sputter Coater for precise carbon sputter coating.
Rigaku SmartLab SE X-Ray Diffractometer
The lab houses a Rigaku SmartLab SE multipurpose θ/θ X-ray diffraction system with built-in intelligent guidance. Cross-Beam Optics (CBO) allows rapid switching from Bragg-Brentano (powders) and Parallel-beam (thin film) geometries. The SmartLab SE combines CBO optics, optical recognition technology, Guidance Software, and fully automatic alignment and provides high accuracy and reproducibility for research and quality control. 10-position automatic sample changer allows the instrument to measure up to 10 samples during unattended operation, and integrated spinning improves polycrystalline sample particle statistics. The SmartLab Studio software is a user-friendly program and has access to COD and ICDD PDF2/PDF4+ databases.
Thermo Scientific ARL Perform'x X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
The lab is equipped with a Thermo Scientific ARL Perform'X X-ray sequential spectrometer for the rapid, non-destructive, low-cost elemental analysis of bulk samples with detection limits to 10ppm or less. The instrument is calibrated to analyze 10 major and minor element oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5) and 31 trace elements (from F to U) using quantitative (OXSAS) and semi-quantitative (UniQuant) software programs. Calibration is based on standards provided by…. XRF analysis of rock samples prepared from rock powders either as fused glass discs or press powder pellets.
Sample preparation
Claisse M4 fusion furnace is a three-position automatic gas instrument that prepares glass discs for XRF analysis. The fused glass discs are prepared from rock/ sample powder mixed homogeneously with Lithium-Tetraborate (1:5 mixture) within the M4 fluxer. The instrument is housed within a safety cabinet.
Herzog TP20 200kN is a manual pellet press for making samples from powders in steel rings (40 or 51.5mm diameter), aluminum cups, or free pressing for XRF analyses. The hydraulic pump is operated by a hand lever.
Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t portable XRF Analyzer
A portable, handheld analyzer for the non-destructive testing of metals, rocks and soils, ideal for use in the field where quick analysis and lower detection limits are sufficient. The handheld XRF can detect up to 25 elements from S to U with results within seconds. The software is easy to use and the Standard Thermo Scientific NTD PC software allows you to generate reports and operate the instrument hands-free. Data transfer is through USB or integrated Bluetooth.
91茄子 Materials Characterization Laboratory
Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences
Nessa Keene, Laboratory Manager