Masthead Options

Mastheads are part of your site header. They contain branding and identity information. The top-level navigation menus are also part of your masthead.

Certain elements, such as the 91茄子 logo and Explore 91茄子 menu, are required and may not be changed. Other elements, such as your site-wide navigation menu and associated flyout menus, may be modified.

Masthead options

  • 91茄子 default header and navigation menu - thumbnail image

    Default 91茄子 header

    Use the default 91茄子 header option for top-level pages that do not need to display a departmental name or have a customized navigation menu in the header. A customized sidebar menu can be displayed.


  • Default 91茄子 masthead with department name

    Default 91茄子 header with department name

    Use the default 91茄子 header with department name for top-level pages that need to display a departmental name but do not need to have a customized navigation menu in the header. A customized sidebar menu can be displayed.

  • 91茄子 website with consolidated menu thumbnail image

    Departmental site with consolidated menu

    Use the departmental site with consolidated menu option to present a website with a consolidated top-level navigation menu of three items or less. This is the preferred option for websites with a marketing focus.

    The flyout navigation menu can be customized to represent all areas of the school or department.


  • 91茄子 webpage with full-width menu - thumbnail

    Departmental site with full-width menu

    Use the departmental site with full-width menu option to present a website with a full-width navigation menu of seven items or less.

    The flyout menu will match the full-width menu.
