Reach Deep: Perkins School of Theology's Ministers Week 2016 in Review
“Reach Deep,” Ministers Week 2016, was held at Perkins School of Theology Feb. 1-2. The annual continuing education event included three lectures by renowned author and theologian Dr. Walter Brueggemann, the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, a past president of the Society of Biblical Literature and an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.
Dr. Loida Martell-Otero, a professor of Constructive Theology at Palmer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania who is also is a licensed doctor in veterinary medicine and an ordained minister in the American Baptist Churches/USA, presented the Barton Lecture during the event.
Guest preacher for the opening and closing worship services was Bishop Janice Riggle Huie, episcopal leader of the Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Attendees also took part in innovative workshops designed to engage and enhance their individual ministries.
Ministers Week also included the 2016 Perkins School of Theology Distinguished Alumni Award banquet, which honored Rev. John McKellar, Pastor of White’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Southlake, Texas, and Rev. Linda Roby, Associate Minister of Local and Global Missions at First United Methodist Church Dallas.
Read more about Ministers Week 2016 here.
Dr. Walter Brueggemann presented the Jackson Lecture on the opening night of Ministers Week 2016. A leading scholar on the study of the Old Testament, Dr. Brueggemann delivered a lecture titled “The Peculiar Questions of the Old Testament” to a crowd of more than 300 at Highland Park United Methodist Church.
Dr. Walter Brueggemann delivered three lectures at Ministers Week 2016 --
the Jackson, Peyton and Johannaber lectures.
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
Dr. Loida Martell-Otero
Barton Lecture: "Speaking in Difference: The Church's Response to Diversity in a Globalized World"
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
Rev. Linda Roby (second from left) was one of two 2016 Perkins Distinguished Alumni Award recipients.
Also on hand for the presentation were (from left) 91ÇÑ×Ó provost Dr. Steven Currall,
Perkins Dean William B. Lawrence and Rev. Juliet Spencer.
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
Rev. Dr. John McKellar (third from left) was one of two 2016 Perkins Distinguished Alumni Award recipients.
Also on hand for the presentation were (from left) 91ÇÑ×Ó provost Dr. Steven Currall,
Perkins Dean William B. Lawrence and Rev. Juliet Spencer.
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
More than 170 attendees joined us for the Distinguished Alumni Awards banquet
honoring Rev. Linda Roby and Rev. Dr. John McKellar.
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
More than 150 participants took part in Ministers Week 2016 at Perkins School of Theology.
Photo credit: Jeff McWhorter
Leading Your Church in Healthy Conversations about Immigration
A Workshop led by Perkins professor Paul Barton
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg
Participants enjoy a discussion activity during
Cultural Agility: Congregational Leadership in a Culturally Complex World,
a workshop led by Perkins professor Robert Hunt.
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg
Oh My Aching Neck and Shoulders
A Workshop led by 91ÇÑ×Ó massage therapist Dea Henson
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg
Spoken Melodies, the Choreography of the Word
A Workshop led by Suzi Byrd (M.Th.'11) and Louis Carr
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg
The Gift of Administration, Not Administrivia
A Workshop led by Perkins Dean William B. Lawrence
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg
Rev. Dr. Ouida Lee (M.Div.'96, D.Min.'04) engages participants of workshop panel discussion,
General Conference 2016: The United Methodist Church into the Future
Photo credit: Amanda Rodenborg