Christmas Worship Services: Thursday, December 3 at 4:00 and 8:00 P.M.

Live webcast at 4:00 P.M.

Seminary Christmas Worship Services
Thursday, December 3, 2015
4:00 PM & 8:00 PM
Perkins Chapel

The theme is "The journey. . . home" 

The Christmas services this year draw upon the journeys that take place in the nativity narratives: the journey to Bethlehem, the journey of the Magi, and the journey to Egypt. To these journeys we add the unprecedented mass migration of peoples around the world. Migration – the crossing of borders – is embedded throughout the Christmas narrative. This evening’s services will reflect on the classic Christmas story by drawing upon the experience of Professor Natalia Marandiuc, herself an immigrant from Romania, and through music. The Christmas story is not only foundational to our understanding of Christ’s Incarnation, but a living narrative that places Christ’s journey on earth in solidarity with the border crossings of millions upon millions today. 

The 4:00 PM service will be webcast live and available on

Download the Order of Service>
Download the Christmas Hymns>


In the spirit of the services, donations are being accepted in the narthex following each service for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (), designated for UMCOR Global Refugees/Migration Advance #3022144. All cash donations will be sent to support efforts to relieve the refugee/migration crisis. Checks may be made out to “Advance GCFA.” In the memo line, place the number: #3022144. You may also go online to contribute.