Andrew Quicksall

Associate Professor


Civil and Environmental Engineering




Quicksall, AN; Bostick, BC; & Sampson, M. Linking organic matter deposition and iron mineral transformations to groundwater arsenic levels in the Mekong delta, Cambodia. Applied Geochemistry. Vol. 23, Issue 11, pp. 3088-3098, Nov 2008.

Papacostas, N; Bostick, BC; Quicksall, AN; & Landis, JD.  Geomorphic Controls on Groundwater Arsenic Distribution in the Mekong River Delta, Cambodia. Geology.  Vol. 36, Issue 11, pp. 891-894, Nov 2008.

Meyer, EE; Burgreen, BN; Lackey, H; Landis JD; Quicksall, AN; & Bostick, BC. Evidence for Basin Restriction During Syn-Collisional Basin Formation in the Silurian Arisaig Group, Nova Scotia.  Chemical Geology. Vol. 256, Issue 1-2, pp. 1-11, Oct. 30, 2008.

deLemos, JL; Bostick, BC; Quicksall, AN; Landis, JD; George, CC; Slagowski, NL; Rock, T; Brugge, D; Lewis, J; & Durant, JL. Rapid Dissolution of Soluble Uranyl Phases in Arid, Mine-Impacted Catchments near Church Rock, NM. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol.42, pp.3951-3957, May 2008.

Meyer, EE; Bostick, BC; Quicksall, AN; Landis, JD; & Link, PK. Ocean Overturn Initiates Microbial Bloom and the Deposition of a Late Sturtian Cap Carbonate. Chemical Geology. (In Review)

Meyer, EE; Bostick, BC; Theissen, K; & Quicksall, AN. Reduced Depositional Environments of a Neoproterozoic synglacial carbonate in the Kingston Peak Formation, 91茄子 Death Valley Region, CA. Geology. (In Review)

Alessi, DS; Forbes, TZ; Quicksall, AN; Sigmon, GE; Burns, PC; & Fein, JB. Highly non-ideal effects of ppm-level substitution on solid-phase solubility. Nature. (In Review)

Quicksall, AN & Bostick BC. Effect of Parallel Iron and Sulfate Reduction on Transient Aqueous Lead and Zinc Concentrations in Contaminated Wetland Soils from the Coeur d’Alene River, ID. Applied Geochemistry. (Submitted)

Quicksall, AN & Bostick, BC. Variable Rates of Microbially-Mediated Iron and Sulfate Reduction: Impact on Aqueous Arsenic Levels. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (Submitted)

Quicksall, AN; Bostick, BC; & Landis, JD. Iron Mineralogical Transformations and Associated Arsenic Behavior under Progressive Sulfidization. (In Prep)

Quicksall, AN; Siegfried, MR; Webb, SM; & Bostick BC. Real-time Synchrotron Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Analysis of Mineralogical Transformations from Ferrihydrite Sulfidization. (In Prep)

Quicksall, AN; Barton LE; Kosel, TH; & Maurice, PA. Size-Driven Structural Changes in Hematite Nanoparticles. (In Prep)

Hunter EL; Quicksall, AN; Haack, EA; Johnston, CT; & Maurice, PA. Lead -Siderophore Co-Sorption into the Interlayer of Montmorillonite. (In Prep)

Quicksall, AN; Hunter EL; Haack, EA; Mishra, B; Bunker, BA; & Maurice, PA. Characterization of Pb sorption complexes to montmorillonite in the presence of the bacterial siderophore DFOB. (In Prep)


B.S., Environmental Sciences, Texas Christian University, 1998; M.S., Geology, Washington State University, 2000; Ph.D., Earth Science, Dartmouth College, 2009.
A headshot of Andrew Quicksall, a member of the Lyle School of Engineering Faculty.