Why Study Here?
Department Features

The department faculty members are prominent scholars, researchers, and consultants, as well as dedicated teachers.

Students have the opportunity to pursue common interests with faculty members through informal discussions and joint research activities.

Curriculum is designed to serve students seeking careers in industry, government and business, as well as those preparing for graduate study in statistical science.
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Dynamic Faculty-Student Interaction
The faculty-to-graduate student ratio in statistics is only about 1:2.5. In keeping with a long-standing 91茄子 tradition, all statistics faculty, including senior professors and researchers, teach undergraduate and graduate classes and regularly present seminars.
Learn from the Director of 91茄子’s Biostatistics Ph.D.
Professional Enrichment Activities
Students have the opportunity to attend monthly meetings of the North Texas Chapter of the American Statistical Association and hear an outstanding array of speakers from academia, business, and industry. They can network with professional statisticians in the area.