Brian W. Stump
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214-768-1223 |
Ph.D. Berkeley- Seismic wave propagation
- Inverse Theory
- Earthquake and explosion source theory
- Mining related phenomenology
Courses Taught
CF 3397 - Science and Politics in the Nuclear Age
GEOL 1307 - Earth Systems
GEOL 1313 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes
GEOL 5389 - Theory of Digital Data Processing
GEOL 6394/6395 - Mathematical Methods of Geophysics and Theoretical Seismology I and II
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Research Statement
Brian Stump's primary research interests include seismic wave propagation in the near-source (hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers) and regional (hundreds of kilometers) distance ranges, seismic source theory and shallow geophysical site characterization. In addition, the interaction of politics with science is a topic of study primarily motivated by the role seismology plays in monitoring nuclear explosions.
Recent work has focused on characterization of explorations as sources of seismic waves. Studies have included the quantification of single fired nuclear and chemical explosions as well as milli-second delay fired explosions typical of those used in the mining industry. The spatial and temporal effects of mining explosions and their signature in regional waveforms has been of particular interest. This research has application to the monitoring of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty where even small explosions will have to be identified using their seismic signatures.
Combining different types of data sets in effective ways for resolving fundamental physical processes that generate seismic waves is a related research project. In the case of large, near-surface mining explosions, video images of the explosions in combination with ground motion and acoustic measurements can be used to quantify the importance of processes such as explosive shock, free face interaction and material cast in the generation of seismic waves. Ultimately, it is hoped that this research will provide the basis for using seismic waves as diagnostics of blasting proctices.
Moment tensor representations are used in both forward and inverse studies of explosion and earthquake sources. Application of these techniques utilizing synthetic Green's functions is being used int the comparative study of shperical and cylindrical explosive sources. Particular attention is being applied to separation of compressional and shear wave energy from these types of sources.
In all these investigations, experimentation plays a critical role. Explosions unlike earthquakes can be controlled and thus their time and location known prior to the event. This characteristic provides the opportunity to design and field experiments that include a variety of instrument types (ground motion, acoustic and video) that can be used for source resolution. Cooperative experiments with the US mining industry have and will continue to be invaluable in all our source studies.
Selected Publications
MacPhail, Mason, B.W. Stump and R.-M. Zhou (2020). The Effects of Assumed Source Depth and Shear Wave Velocity on Moment Tensors Estimated for Small, Contained Chemical Explosions in Granite, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, September 2020.
SeongJu Jeong, B. W. Stump and H. R. DeShon (2020). Spectral Characteristics of Ground Motion from Induced Earthquakes in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Using the Generalized Inversion Technique, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, August 2020.
Che, I.-Y., J. Park, T.S. Kim, C. Hayward and B. Stump (2019). On the Use of a Dense Network of Seismo-Acoustic Arrays for Near-Regional Environmental Monitoring, in Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies: Challenges in Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Societal Benefits, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-75138-2,
McComas, S., C. Hayward, M. Pace, C. Simpson, M. McKenna, and B. Stump (2018). Infrasound Monitoring in Non-traditional Environments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 144 (6), December 2018. 3201-3209,
DeShon, H. R., C. T. Hayward, P. O. Ogwari, L. Quinones, O. Sufri, B. Stump and M. B. Magnani (2018), Summary of North Texas Earthquake Study Seismic Networks, 2013-2018, Seismological Research Letters, 90, 387-394,
Yang, Xiaoning, B. W. Stump and M. D. Macphail (2018). The Frequency-Domain Moment-Tensor Inversion: Retrieving the Complete Moment-Tensor Spectra and Time Histories, in Moment Tensor Solutions – A Useful Tool for Seismotectonics, Springer Natural Hazards, ISBN 978-319-77358-2,
Park, Junghyun, I.-Y. Che, B. Stump, C. Hayward, F. Dannemann, S. Jeong, K. Kwong, S. McComas, H. R. Oldham, M. M. Scales, and V. Wright (2018), Characteristics of Infrasound Signals from North Korean Underground Nuclear Explosions on January 6 and September 9 2016, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 1865-1885, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy252.
Cao, Aimin, B. Stump and Heather Deshon (2018). High Resolution Seismic Data Regularization and Wavefield Separation, Geophysical Journal International, ggy009,
Park, Junghyun, C. Hayward and B. Stump (2018). Assessment of Infrasound Signals Recorded on Seismic Stations and Infrasound Arrays in the Western United States using Ground Truth Sources, Geophysical Journal International, reference GJI-17-0689.R1, ggy042, doi:org/10.1093/gji/ggy042.
The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas, 2017. Environmental and Community Impacts of Shale Development in Texas. Austin, TX: The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas. Doi:10.25238/TAMESTstf.6.2017.
Park, J., C.T. Hayward, C.P. Zeiler, S.J. Arrowsmith and B.W. Stump (2017). Assessment of Infrasound Detectors based on Analyst Review, Environmental Effects and Detection Characteristics, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 107, April 2017, doi: 10.1785/0120160125.
Hornbach, M. J., M. Jones, M. Scales, H. R. DeShon, M. B. Magnani, B. Stump, C. Hayward and M. Layton (2016). Ellenberger Wastewater Injection and Seismicity in North Texas, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, July 2016, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2016.06.012.
Park, J., B. W. Stump, C. Hayward, S. J. Arrowsmith, I.-Y. Che, and D. P. Drob (2016). Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data: Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interprettion, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 140 (1), July 2016, 239-259, doi:10.1121/1.4954759.
Frohlich, C., H. DeShon, B. Stump, C. Hayward, M. Hornbach and J. I. Walter (2016). A Historical Review of Induced Earthquakes in Texas, Seismological Research Letters, 87, 1-17, doi: 10.1785/0220160016.
Hornbach, M. J., H. R. DeShon, W. L. Ellsworth, B. W. Stump, C. Hayward, C. Frohlich, H. R. Oldham, J. E. Olson, M. B. Magnani, C. Brokaw, and J. H. Luetgert (2015) Causal Factors for Seismicity near Azle, Texas, Nat. Commun. 6:6728 doi: 10.1038/ncomms7728 (2015).
Park, Junghyun and Brian Stump (2014). Seasonal Variation of Infrasound Detections and Their Source Characteristics in the Western US, Geosciences Journal, doi:10.1007/s12303-014-0034-6.
Park, Junghyun, C. Hayward, B. Stump, and S. Arrowsmith (2014). Automatic Infrasound Detection and Location of Sources in the Western US, J. of Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119, 7773-7798, doi;10.1002/2013JD021084.
Howe-Justinic, A., B. Stump, C. Hayward and C. Frohlich, 2013. Analysis of the Cleburne, Texas, earthquake sequence from June 2009 to June 2010, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 103, 3083-3093.
Arrowsmith, S.J., R. Burlacu, K. Pankow, B. Stump, R. Stead, R. Whitaker and C. Hayward, 2012, A seismoacoustic study of the 2011 January 3 Circleville earthquake, Geophys. J. Int, 189, 1148-1158, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05420.x.
Che, I.-Y., B. Stump and H.-I. Lee (2011). Experimental characterization of seasonal variations in infrasonic travel times on the Korean Peninsula with implications for infrasonic event location, Geophys. J. Int. 185, 190-200, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.04948.x
Frohlich, C., C. Hayward, B. Stump and E. Potter (2011). The Dallas-Fort Worth earthquake sequence: October 2008 to August 2009, , Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 101, 327-340.